There are different ways you can get the word count of your slides and notes in PowerPoint, except for PowerPoint for the Web, which does not support getting the word count for slides or notes.
Knowing the word count of your PowerPresentation can be useful to set expectations of how long your presentation may take, but keep in mind that the best presentations are the ones that don't have a lot of words and instead of just keywords/phrases and everything else is unraveled by you!
Find the word count of the PowerPoint Presentation on Windows
To find out the word count of your slides and notes on PowerPoint for Windows 10/11, open the presentation and go to the File tab.
PowerPoint File tab
Next, click Info on the left-hand panel.
PowerPoint Info option on the left panel
Then, under the Related Documents section, click on Show All Properties
Show All Properties - PowerPoint
The Properties group will expand, and you will see a "Words" option that will show the count of words in the slides and notes. The "Notes" option shows the number of notes you have in your presentation and not the number of words in the notes.
Word count on the properties group
Find the word count of the PowerPoint Presentation on Mac
Similar to getting the word count on Windows, go to the File tab
PowerPoint File tab
Then select Properties on the dropdown menu
MacOS - PowerPoint - File -> Properties
This will open a new window of the presentation properties. Click on the Statistics tab
MacOS: Properties window
You will find the word count under the Words statistic.
MacOS: Words statistics
And that's it! If you are looking to get only the word count of notes, you will have to export a "handout" from the presentation which currently is only supported on PowerPoint for Windows.
Word count: 334 words, 1913 characters by word counter