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Meaning of in lieu of

The phrase in lieu of is commonly used in English to indicate a replacement or substitution for something else.

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NearchX Team

Writing Team - NearchX

Meaning of qualm

Qualm is a word that refers to a feeling of uneasiness, doubt, or hesitation, particularly when it comes to one's conscience.

NearchX Team

NearchX Team

Writing Team - NearchX

Priorize a escrita: 5 dicas para vidas ocupadas

Escrever é gratificante, mas encontrar tempo para escrever pode ser um desafio. Seja você um escritor profissional, um aspirante a autor ou simplesmente alguém que gosta de escrever como hobby, pode ser difícil arranjar tempo em sua agenda lotada para sentar e colocar a caneta no papel (ou os dedos no teclado).

NearchX Team

NearchX Team

Writing Team - NearchX

Meaning of Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which an individual or group intentionally undermines another person's perception of reality, leading them to doubt their own thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

NearchX Team

NearchX Team

Writing Team - NearchX

Meaning of JOI

JOI is commonly used in the adult content industry as an abbreviation for "jerk-off instructions". This term refers to a type of erotic content that involves a performer providing explicit instructions for masturbation to the viewer.

NearchX Team

NearchX Team

Writing Team - NearchX

Meaning of FR

FR, short for "for real", is an acronym that has become increasingly popular in modern-day communication, especially on social media platforms. It's used to express that the speaker is being serious or genuine in what they're saying.

NearchX Team

NearchX Team

Writing Team - NearchX

Meaning of FML

FML is an acronym that has become increasingly popular in the internet and social media age. It stands for "F*** My Life" and is commonly used to express frustration, disappointment, or a feeling of hopelessness about a particular situation.

NearchX Team

NearchX Team

Writing Team - NearchX

69 Meaning

The term 69 is a sexual position that involves mutual oral sex between two partners. In this position, partners lie on their sides facing each other, with their heads positioned at opposite ends. This allows each partner to perform oral sex on the other simultaneously, creating a sense of intimacy and mutual pleasure.

NearchX Team

NearchX Team

Writing Team - NearchX

Meaning of MILF

The term MILF is a slang acronym that stands for Mother I'd Like to (have) Fuck(ed).

NearchX Team

NearchX Team

Writing Team - NearchX

Meaning of LFG

In online gaming, LFG stands for Looking for Group. In certain situations, LFG can stand for Let's Fucking Go, an expression of excitement or enthusiasm.

NearchX Team

NearchX Team

Writing Team - NearchX